Caderno de Disco A5

Buy now with 87% off to course Caderno de Disco A5.

Caderno de Disco A5

Caderno de Discos Tamanho A5

Aprenda a criar o seu próprio caderno de discos A5 de forma prática e personalizada! Neste curso, você vai dominar as técnicas para montar um caderno no formato A5 utilizando o sistema de discos, conhecido por sua flexibilidade e facilidade de organização. Ideal para quem deseja produzir cadernos customizados, seja para uso pessoal ou como um produto para venda.



Of course! This course is designed for all those who want to learn new techniques in order to sell and surprise their customers. And also for those who want to learn how to make a unique piece to give to that special person.


Lifetime access

Access this course as many times as you want, forever!

Made for you

With expert teachers on the subject, all content is presented practically, with a detailed step by step, but without fuss.

Everything at your own pace

With your login and password you will be able to watch and review whenever and wherever you want.

Promotional arts

We know that one of the big difficulties was to produce a piece like this just to take a nice photo for promotion. That's why Pequenos Encantos provides you with logo-free photos, so you can download and put your logo to use in your posts.

Save even more

To produce your projects Pequenos Encantos makes available to you all the digital files used in the classes right there in the student area.

Exclusive discount

Don't hesitate. With the list of materials and tools you will be able to take advantage of buying online at partner stores that offer discounts to our students.

Exclusive support

"Whenever you need to clear up any doubts just get in touch and we'll be happy to help. #tamojunto #estamoscomvc! or #conteconosco.

You are VIP!

Complete the classes and download your certificate.

Meet the Teacher

Jaqueline Juricic

Em março de 2015 a professora Jaqueline produziu, sem nehuma experiência, as lembrancinhas de aniversário da sua filha. Os convidados ficaram encantados com o capricho de cada peça e por isso, logo começou a receber encomendas e alguns mesês depois já tinha 03 pessoas ajudando na produção. Percebendo o tamanho do mercado e a falta de profissionais especializados começou a dar aulas presenciais em sua casa. Em pouco tempo a agenda dos cursos estavam cheias e então decidiu montar uma plataforma de cursos on-line de artesanato para atender essa demanda. Sempre com o pensamento de que: "Aquilo que nasce perfeito, nasce velho." fundou a plataforma de cursos em 2018 com 10 cursos liberados. Hoje, Janeiro de 2021 a plataforma já conta com mais de 350 cursos liberados para seus assinantes que estão ao redor do mundo! Instagram - @pequenosencantoscursos


"We've changed cars and we're supporting ourselves with my work, with my studio!"

"When we started I had a stylus, a small cutting base. My studio is inside my house, in the living room on a makeshift table..."

"We've already bought a plot of land, we're building, I've rented a bigger house where I have my own space... the quality of life has improved a lot."

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What are the payment methods?

Pequenos Encantos has 3 payment methods:

1 - Credit card;
2 - cash, by bank slip;
3 - Or PIX.

Can I buy this course and if I like it, upgrade to a subscription plan?

You sure can!! In fact, in this case you will only pay the difference in value from the subscription. Cool, isn't it?!

What materials and tools will I need to get started?

In fact, when you start accessing the courses you will realize that you can start producing with very basic tools. Our platform was designed by people like you to meet people like you. That's why, at Pequenos Encantos, you will find alternatives for everything, for example: if you intend to make a customized souvenir and don't have a silhouette you will learn to customize files to be printed and cut with scissors... If you intend to make an agenda or vaccination booklet and don't have a binding machine, you will realize that you can bind with rings, stitches and even with binding glue. The Cardboard pieces are made with tools like a cutting base, cutter, and glue. And the coolest thing is that in all areas you will be able to access introduction courses to learn how to get familiar with the tools and materials of the chosen area. Anyway, the most important thing you will have, which is all the knowledge to start working with the basics and gradually buying the tools as needed.

Can I access the courses on my phone?

Yes, with your email and password you will access the courses directly on the platform and thus be able to access them from anywhere.

Will I receive any material at home?

No, everything you need is in the student area. In each course you start watching, you will be able to download the digital files, list of materials and suppliers, photos of the piece without our logo for you to use in your promotion and of course, the certificate at the end of the course.

Do I need to buy the files and patterns of the courses?

No, with your subscription you have access to all the files, patterns and workbooks that the course requires. Everything included and without paying anything extra for it.

Do the courses have certificates?

Yes, at the end of each course you will be able to download your certificate and you don't pay anything extra for it.